The jews of Saaz / Žatec

Why we are concerning ourselves with the history of the Saaz jews?

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© Förderverein der Stadt Saaz | Žatec e. V.
content: Otokar Löbl, Dr. Andreas Kalckhoff, RNDr. Zdeněk Klima
English translations: Jan Mráz, MA.

Why do we concern ourselves  at all with history?  Because without   knowledge of the past we cannot understand the present times. Historical records  supplement  our genetic memory and thereby enable us to form   our future  in a way not posssible to  animals.On the other hand  we  find explanations in history as to why our present time is as it is.  Before the war  ten percent of the population of Saaz were jews. Like  everywhere in Europe they  contributed an important part  to the economy and culture which is missing today.  If we search for reasons  for the  condition of the town as ist is today, this loss may be one of them.   However, people can learn for the future from the mistakes of the past.


Documentation concerning the jews of Saaz  based upon  documents  from the  archives  and testimonies of surviving jews of Saaz, now living in the  Czech Republic or in Israel.
Setting up a website  with a data bank  for the projec  “Jews in Saaz and aryanized houses of Saaz€.
Documentation commemorating the airlift Zatec-Saaz to Tel Aviv (Haifa), Nov. 2010
Restoration of the Jewish  cemetery  and the buildings belonging to it  in cooperation with he Jewish Community of Teplice
Setting up of a memorial and an information centre for jewish culture and religion on the premises of the Jewish cemete